Part of the Perki-500 Challenge! Already Signed up for the Perki-500 Challenge? No need to register for the Owl Prowl separately! Just keep an eye out and RSVP to our email invite, that way we know to expect you. Or, if you’re not participating in the Perki-500 Challenge, see details below to attend just the Owl Prowl!
More about the Perki-500 Challenge:
We challenge YOU to spend 500 minutes outside during the month of January! Get outside by taking a hike, joining our education team for an Owl Prowl, exploring one of the Conservancy's tree plantings in a local park, or engaging in your favorite outdoor winter hobby.
With various challenges to complete along with some expert-led events, we are here to help you get outside and explore while meeting your own personal goals in 2024!
Sign Up for the Perki-500 Challenge with admission to the January 25th Owl Prowl included!!!
About our Owl Prowl Night Hike:
Ever want to learn more about 'who' is prowling the night sky? Join a Conservancy Educator for an exciting evening learning about common species of Pennsylvania owls present year-round. You'll find out what makes them such amazing predators! Venture with us on a guided walk into the forest where we'll hike around two miles and try out some owl calling! Our walk traverses one moderate incline and trail conditions. Sturdy shoes and a headlamp with red light are highly recommended to enhance your owl prowl experience!
Not participating in the Perki-500 Challenge? No problem! You can still get tickets to attend just the January 25th Owl Prowl here: