Enhance your outdoor spaces and protect your local environment with Pennsylvania native plants.
The Native Plant Sale features:
Online Pre-Ordering: Shop online ahead of the in-person Native Plant Sale to secure your favorite species! Pre-Ordering will be open from Monday, April 21st, 8:00 am - Friday, May 2nd, 8:00 pm.
In-Person Native Plant Sale & Pre-Order Pick-up: An in-person Native Plant Sale will be held on Saturday, May 10th, from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and Sunday, May 11th, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. The Sale will be held at Dragonfly Farm located at Jacob Reiff Park in Lower Salford Township, (775 Quarry Road, Harleysville, PA 19438). Please park in the designated parking location and follow signs for the Native Plant Sale.
All pre-ordered plants are to be picked-up from our greenhouse. While pre-ordering, you will be asked to select a pick-up time on either May 10th or May 11th for your order. If you cannot pick-up during available pick-up times, please reach out to Beth Myers to make other arrangements.
Almost all species listed during pre-ordering will be available in limited quantities at the in-person Native Plant Sale. Species that were not listed for pre-order will also be available, in addition to native trees and shrubs from Behmerwald Nursery.
Over 150 different native plant species including flowering perennials, ferns, vines, grasses and sedges, trees, and shrubs.
Some species are not listed on the online pre-ordering website and will only be available during the in-person Plant Sale! This is due to limited quantities and/or delayed crops.
Flowering perennials, ferns, grasses, sedges, and vines will be provided by the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy. These species will be sold in 4 inch containers with prices starting at $6.00 per plant.
A wide selection of Pennsylvania native trees and shrubs will be available from Behmerwald Nursery. Most trees and shrubs will be sold in 3 gallon containers. Behmerwald Nursery trees and shrubs will only be available at the in-person Native Plant Sale and will not be available for pre-order. Stay tuned for a species preview list!
Free expert advice from Conservancy staff! Talk to Conservancy staff and volunteers during the Native Plant Sale or reach out to our Director of Ecology, Beth Myers, for advice.
Butterfly Garden Tour: Take a stroll with our Education Coordinator, Jeff, to tour the newly installed butterfly gardens at Reiff Park! Learn about what species were planted, why they were selected, and which local butterfly species the gardens support. This walk will be held on Saturday, May 10th at 2:00 pm. This is a free event, but please register as space is limited!
Nature Art Crafts: Make a nature art craft with the help of our Youth Conservation Corps! Stop by the NART Table to make a craft and learn more about our Youth Conservation Corps! Crafts will be hosted throughout the weekend, while supplies last. No registration is required, but a $5.00 donation per craft is suggested.
Wildflower & Plant Walk: Join one of our wonderful native plant experts, Kathy Salisbury, on a stroll around Jacob Reiff Park to spot beautiful botanicals, towering trees, and everything in between! This walk will be hosted on Sunday, May 11th at 10:00 am. This is a free event, but please register as space is limited!
Lower Salford Historic Society Table: Visit the Lower Salford Historic Society’s table at the Plant Sale to learn more about the history of Lower Salford, Jacob Reiff Park, and more!
Native Plant Photo Album
Get some native plant inspiration by checking out our Native Plant Photo album.
Native Plant Project
Interested in working with native plants? Volunteer for our Native Plant Project!
Native Plant Benefits
Learn about the benefits of utilizing Pennsylvania native plant species in your planting projects.