Special Procedures for COVID - Lenape Challenge

In order to mitigate the risks associated with covid-19, we will be instituting new procedures for this year’s Lenape Challenge.

*Don’t be intimidated by the following procedures. These are the new typical precautions you’ve seen elsewhere.

Facemasks/Hand Sanitizer/Temperatures/Waivers:

  1. Facemasks will be required whenever 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained.

  2. Event specific buffs or neck gaiters will be given to each participant at registration. These should be used throughout the event, whenever 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained such as registration, starting line, finish, etc.

  3. Hand sanitizer will be available in abundance.

  4. Participants will have their temperature taken at registration with a non-contact thermometer. Those with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be allowed to participate.

  5. All participants must sign the COVID specific waiver at registration.

Water and Snacks:

  1. Water prior, post and at aid stations will be provided in single-use bottles.

  2. Snacks will be served in individually-wrapped packaging.

Check-in & Event Start:

  1. Packet pick-up and temperature & health checks will be done in a curbside/drive-thru format.

  2. The event will be chip timed.

  3. We will have staggered starts at 10-minute intervals. Teams will have the ability to sign up for a start-time.

  4. The start will be cross-sountry style (50 yards wide).


There will be no formal award ceremony. Results will be posted and winners can pick-up their awards at the Conservancy.