Be a Green Leader!

The Protectors of the Perkiomen are a select group of prominent businesses that make a significant financial commitment to support the important work of the
Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy.

Participation in the Protectors of the Perkiomen provides an opportunity
for your business to be a Green Leader in your community.

Protectors of the Perkiomen are noted as supporters of all Conservancy programs and events and will be specifically noted at the Conservancy’s signature activities:

  • Annual watershed-wide Stream Clean-up: More than 1,700 volunteers participate in the annual Stream Clean-Up. Protectors help offset the many costs of organizing this event. The Clean-Up focuses on designated areas for maximum water quality impact and volunteer involvement.

  • Riparian Forest Buffer Projects: Erosion of streambanks and sedimentation of creeks are primary causes of poor water quality in the Perkiomen creek watershed. Streambank restoration helps keep soil in place and protect instream habitats. Protectors help offset many miscellaneous costs that funding grants will not cover.

  • Environmental Education: The Conservancy’s Environmental Education programs are unmatched in the area and provide exceptional hands-on learning experiences for all age groups and abilities.

  • Outreach: Protectors' contributions also support increased media attention on conservation and education efforts throughout the Perkiomen Creek Watershed.

To learn more about Protectors' benefits and the significant impact your support makes on our local environment, please contact our Executive Director, Ryan Beltz or Call 610.287.9383.


Thanks to our Protectors!