Scioto Wetland Project 

June 26 - 27, 2014: The largest wetland planting in Conservancy history was completed ahead of schedule with more than 45 volunteers planting over 5,000 native perennials of nine different wetland plant species. 

Volunteers participated in this planting at the newly constructed stormwater demonstration wetland located behind the Upper Frederick Township Building. Soon this wetland will be fully functional and a natural system for eliminating stormwater damage. The wetland will also help address years of severe erosion and degrading water quality of downstream waterways feeding the Scioto Creek. This issue was targeted by DEP for repair in the past. 

Future construction will include a kiosk, fence and walking path along the wetland area for public use. This access will create a unique and natural educational attraction for the Upper Frederick Township community and visitors. 


Native Wetland Plants Used 

Low Marsh Plantings

  • Soft Stem Bulrush- Schoenoplectus tabernaemont
  • Lesser Bur-Reed- Sparganium americanum
  • Rice Cut Grass- Leersia oryzoides
  • Pickerel Weed- Pontederia cordata     

High Marsh Plantings 

  • Three Square - Schoenoplectus pungens
  • Blue-Flag Iris- Iris versicolor  

Ephemeral Storage Plantings

  • Woolgrass- Scirpus cyperinus
  • Soft Rush- Juncus effuses
  • *Swamp Milkweed – Asclepias incarnata

Native plant plugs for this project (with the exception of
Swamp Milkweed) 
were provided by Aquascapes Unlimited.
Aquascapes Unlimited has a wealth of information on native
plant species.