Click here to test your knowledge of stormwater with our short, fun quiz.   Your responses will help us and your municipalities battle stormwater pollution to protect local creeks. 

Scroll down to see the correct answers once you finish the survey.  NO PEEKING!

1. "Stormwater" refers to:
a. High tides resulting from storms at sea.
b. Only the rainwater or snowmelt collected in storm sewers and detention basins.
c. Rain that exceeds 3 inches in 24 hours.
d. All precipitation, no matter where it falls or how much of it falls.

2. Stormwater runoff occurs when:
a. Rain falls faster than gutters can carry it to storm drains.
b. Hard, or impervious, surfaces do not allow rain water or snowmelt to infiltrate into the ground.
c. Retention basins overflow.
d. Streams flood nearby areas.

3. Stormwater can:
a. Dissolve pet and livestock wastes and carry pathogens to nearby creeks.
b. Wash vehicle oils and fluids from parking lots into creeks.
c. Carry excess fertilizers and pesticides from lawns to creeks.
d. Overwhelm wastewater treatment plants, causing them to release untreated wastewater.
e. All of the above.

4. Stormwater that enters storm drains or other components of the storm sewer system is treated for pollutants before it travels to a local waterway.

5. The best practice for controlling stormwater runoff is:
a. Detention basins lined with concrete.
b. Mown lawns.
c. Downspouts connected directly to storm sewers.
d. Forests and other vegetated areas.

6. A riparian buffer is:
a. The boundary between the sidewalk and the street curb.
b. The area near a creek where trees should not be planted.
c. The vegetated area along waterways that helps filter and slow stormwater.
d. A large stone area at the end of a storm drain.

7. Sediment from eroding stream banks is a natural material and poses no harm to aquatic life.

8. Proper stormwater management techniques aim to:
a. Prevent stormwater from running off properties.
b. Allow water to infiltrate and recharge groundwater resources.
c. Use plants to help filter water.
d. All of the above.

9. A watershed is:
a. A geographic area that drains into a single water body.
b. A non-profit environmental organization.
c. A building where water is pumped from the ground into a public water system.
d. An area where water does not drain into a receiving water body.

10. Of the total water on Earth, ___% is available as fresh water for human use.
a. 50%